英语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自中古英語 obsequyous,源自拉丁語 obsequiōsus (顺从的,点头哈腰的) [1],源自obsequium (顺从),源自obsequor (服从,遵守),源自ob (朝向) + sequor (跟随)(对比sequel)。

发音 编辑

  • (英國美國) IPA(幫助)/əbˈsiːkwi.əs/
  • 文檔

形容词 编辑

obsequious (比較級 more obsequious最高級 most obsequious)

  1. 点头哈腰的,阿谀奉承
    近義詞: fawningingratiatingservileslavishsycophantictrucklingsmarmyasskissing;亦參見Thesaurus:sycophantic
  2. (古舊) 顺从的,服从的,遵命
    近義詞: 參見Thesaurus:obedient
    • 1842, [anonymous collaborator of Letitia Elizabeth Landon], 章號 XXXIV, 出自 Lady Anne Granard; or, Keeping up Appearances. [], 卷 II, London: Henry Colburn, [], →OCLC頁號 140:
      Our ladies were situated as well as it was possible; they had good servants, splendid rooms, obsequious attendants, and had become habituated to the country, so that the loss of the Count was not any thing of moment beyond the pleasure of his society; []
  3. (棄用) 葬礼

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参考资料 编辑

  1. Douglas Harper (2001–2024), “obsequious”, 在线词源词典》(Online Etymology Dictionary