英語 编辑

Portulaca oleracea

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來自古法語 porcelaine,可能變自拉丁語 porcilaca (馬齒莧)(與portulaca (馬齒莧))有關,參見法語porcelaine ()

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purslane (通常不可數,複數 purslanes)

  1. 馬齒莧Portulacaceae)科植物
    • 1767, A Lady [Hannah Glasse], The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Eaſy [] [1],頁號 326:
      ASPARAGUS, cauliflowers, imperial Sileſia, royal and cabbage lettuces, burnet, purſlain, cucumbers, naſturtian flowers, peaſe and beans ſown in October, artichokes, ſcarlet ſtrawberries, and kidney beans.
    1. 馬齒莧Portulaca oleracea
    2. 大花馬齒莧Lua错误 在Module:Taxlink的第68行:Parameter "ver" is not used by this template.
    3. 穿叶春美草,winter purslaneLua错误 在Module:Taxlink的第68行:Parameter "ver" is not used by this template.
    4. 西伯利亚春美草,pink purslane (Lua错误 在Module:Taxlink的第68行:Parameter "ver" is not used by this template.)
    5. 海馬齒莧,sea purslaneLua错误 在Module:Taxlink的第68行:Parameter "ver" is not used by this template.

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