英語 编辑

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詞源 编辑

最早見於1548年。源自中古法語 cimeterre或直接源自意大利語 scimitarra,可能通過一鄂圖曼土耳其語詞語,源自波斯語 شمشیر (šamšir, )

發音 编辑

名詞 编辑

scimitar (複數 scimitars)

  1. 波斯彎刀
    • c. 1596-97, William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act II scene i[1]:
      The Prince of Morocco:
      [] By this scimitar,
      That slew the Sophy and a Persian prince
      That won three fields of Sultan Solyman,
      I would outstare the sternest eyes that look,
      Outbrave the heart most daring on earth,
      Pluck the young sucking cubs from the she-bear,
      Yea, mock the lion when he roars for prey,
      To win thee, lady. []

派生詞 编辑

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動詞 编辑

scimitar (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 scimitars,現在分詞 scimitaring,一般過去時及過去分詞 scimitared)

  1. (及物) 用彎刀擊打或挑起

異序詞 编辑