英語 编辑

動詞 编辑

shake off (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 shakes off,現在分詞 shaking off,過去式 shook off,過去分詞 shaken off)

  1. 掉,掉(身上或物體上粘附的東西)
    The archaeologists shook off the dust that had fallen from the roof, and promptly continued their work.
  2. 擺脫(指控、謠言等)
    Some rumors that the governor had smoked pot as a teenager were flying around, but he has finally managed to shake them off.
  3. 甩開(後方跟蹤的人)
    The police are chasing us! Quick, turn into that side street! We've got to shake them off.
  4. 從疾病中痊愈
    I just can't shake off this cold.

近義詞 编辑