英语 编辑

发音 编辑

  • 國際音標(幫助)/ˈsaɪdweɪz/
  • 文檔

名词 编辑


  1. sideway複數
    • 2002, Joseph Brodsky, Cynthia L. Haven, Joseph Brodsky: Conversations,頁號 169:
      And he was just taking byways and sideways, travelling in the peripheries of civilization, yeah?
    • 2006, David Haskell, Roundabout the USA,頁號 103:
      In time our way merged into a throng of cars flowing here and there on the highways and sideways of the north side of Los Angeles.
    • 2013, Pitou van Dijck, The Impact of the IIRSA Road Infrastructure Programme on Amazonia,頁號 81:
      Expansion of economic activities resulted in the construction of a so—called fishbone pattern of roads and sideways.

形容词 编辑

sideways (比較級 more sideways最高級 most sideways)

  1. 朝向一侧的
    Giving Mary a sideways glance, he said, []
    他从侧面瞥了一眼Mary,说道: []
    He gave the ball a sideways kick.
  2. (非正式) 一侧朝前的,侧面朝前的
    There was a stack of papers in front of each seat at the table, but each stack was sideways.
  3. (非正式) 不上不下的
    Once we get out of this sideways economy, our figures will more accurately reflect what we're truly capable of.
  4. (常带with非正式) (与...)有冲突的
    He was constantly getting sideways with his boss till he got fired.

副词 编辑


  1. 以一侧朝前地,侧着
    He builds houses sideways, with the front door on the side.
  2. 朝着一侧,朝着侧面
    A bishop moves only diagonally; a rook, only sideways, forward, and back.
    He looked sideways at the new arrival, wondering who she was.
  3. 斜视着,斜着(看)
  4. (非正式) 不上不下
    The economy has been moving sideways for several months now.
  5. (主要用於美國口語) 出岔子地,偏离计划地
    We realized the project could go sideways very quickly if we didn't get the sales and marketing people on our side.
    • 2011, D. P. Lyle, 章號 78, 出自 Hot Lights, Cold Steel, →ISBN頁號 340:
      As we walked deeper into the darkness, we both knew this could go sideways in a heartbeat. We were sitting ducks. Birds on a wire. Canaries in a coalmine.
    • 2023 5月 20, Tabby Kinder, George Hammond, 引 Ivan Matkovic, “So long, San Francisco”, 出自 FT Weekend, Life & Arts,頁號 1:
      It feels like the probability of something going sideways here is higher.

衍生词汇 编辑

参考资料 编辑

  • OneLook 在线词典 上有关 sideways 的释义

异序词 编辑