



a- +‎ biblio- +‎ -phobia



abibliophobia (不可数)

  1. (幽默) 恐惧无书可读
    • 2006, The Jewish Quarterly, page 72:
      Professor David Latchman, the Master of Birkbeck College, suffers from abibliophobia, a common affliction amongst book collectors that manifests itself as a morbid fear of running out of reading material.
    • 2010, Phil Cousineau, Wordcatcher: An Odyssey into the World of Weird and Wonderful Words, Viva Editions (2010), ISBN 9781573444002, page 17:
      Speaking of frightful words, a curious fear I've suffered from on occasion, especially on long airplane flights, is abibliophobia, the fear of not having enough to read.
    • 2012, Laura M. Reckford, Frommer's Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, John Wiley & Sons (2012), ISBN 9781118119990, page 110:
      The outdoor racks, maintained on an honor system, are open 24 hours a day, for those who suffer from abibliophobia—fear of lacking for reading material.