asf (不可数)
- (网路用语,在聊天时等) age-sex-from之首字母缩略词:你多少岁?你是什么性别?你是哪里人?
JanEdoeSN87: asf
SumLAguy19: 18/m/California- JanEdoeSN87:年龄/性别/出身地
- 近义词:asl
- and so forth之首字母缩略词。
- (网路用语) as fuck之首字母缩略词。
- 近义词:af
2018年9月17日, Nicole Gallucci, “Dad attempts a nice – but absurdly unsuccessful – panoramic photo of his daughter”, 出自 Mashable[1]:"My dad trying to take panoramics of me. I'm mad asf," Simran tweeted alongside two photos of herself looking like an optical illusion.- (请为本引文添加中文翻译)