breaking news
编辑- 突发新闻,插播新闻,即时新闻
- Breaking news may contain incomplete information, factual errors, or poor editing because of a rush to publication.
- 由于匆忙发布,突发新闻可能包含不完整的资讯、事实错误或编辑不当。
- 2020年12月2日, Industry Insider, “The costs of cutting carbon”, 出自 Rail,第 76 页:
- There is also breaking news that the delayed Crossrail project in London cannot be completed without a further £80 million injection of funds.
- 还有突发消息称,如果不进一步注入8000万英镑资金,被推迟的伦敦横贯铁路计划就无法完成。