fill in
编辑音频 (澳式): (档案)
编辑fill in (第三人称单数简单现在时 fills in,现在分词 filling in,一般过去时及过去分词 filled in)
- 〈及物〉 填,埋
- to make land by filling in the sea with mud
- 填海造地
- After you're done laying the pipe, fill in the trench.
- 你把管子都放好之后,就把沟埋了。
- 〈及物〉 告知
- If you know anything about this, maybe you can fill me in.
- 如果你在这方面有什么知道的,可以告诉我。
- 〈不及物〉 代替
- He can't go on vacation very often because there is nobody to fill in for him.
- 他不能老是休假,因为没人代替他。
- 〈及物〉(多用于英式) 填表
- 近义词:fill out
- 〈俚〉 痛打
- Talk to me like that again and I'll fill you in!
- 再跟我那样说话,我就把你揍扁!