take root
编辑take root (第三人称单数简单现在时 takes root,现在分词 taking root,过去式 took root,过去分词 taken root)
- (不及物,书面) 扎根
- Those tulip bulbs have taken root.
- 这些郁金香的鳞茎已经生根了。
- (不及物,比喻义) 生根、建立。
- The new regulations have yet to take root.
- 新的规则需要建立起来。
- 1599, Much Ado About Nothing, by William Shakespeare, Act 1 Scene 3
- You have of late stood out against your brother, and he hath ta'en you newly into his grace; where it is impossible you should take true root but by the fair weather that you make yourself: it is needful that you frame the season for your own harvest.