編輯हि (hí)
- for(為了), because(因為), on account of(由於)(從不位於句子開始處,但是一般在第一個詞之後並且用法如前接詞,有時在代詞之後)
- सर्वो हि पृतना जिगीषति (sárvo hí pṛ́tanā jigīṣati) — for everybody wishes to win battles
- ब्कवान् हि प्रमाणम् (bkavān hi pramāṇam) — for your honour is the authority
- तहा हि (tahā hi) — for example; accordingly
- न हि (ná hí), नही (nahī́) — for not; not at all
- just(正好), pray(祈請), do (連同祈使語氣或潛在的強調;有時連同直陳語氣)
- पस्यामो हि (pasyāmo hi) — we will just see
- indeed(確實), assuredly(確信的), surely(的確的), of course(當然), certainly(一定的)
- हि वै (hí vaí) — most assuredly
- हितु (hi-tu), हिपुनर् (hi-punar) — indeed-but
- 經常是純粹的感嘆,特別用來避免間斷,有時在同一個句子中重復;hi 也別稱為感嘆詞,表達 "envy"(羨慕,嫉妒), "contempt"(輕蔑), "hurry"(催促) etc.