英語 編輯

詞源 編輯


動詞 編輯

calcificate (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 calcificates,現在分詞 calcificating,一般過去時及過去分詞 calcificated)

  1. (非標準非母語人士的英語) calcify之同義詞
    • 1993 4月 21, Steve Tyree, 「Algae Scrubbers [M]」, 出自 alt.aquaria[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-09:
      That which applies to calcificating coral-line, might also apply to sceleractinian corals.
    • 1996 7月 15, Ruben H. Lujan, 「Bone calcification medicine?」, 出自 sci.med.diseases.als[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-09:
      I would like to know if there is anyone who know of a drug called, Clodronate? This drug calcificates bone, it hinders bone from leaving bone and going into ther bloodstream. If there is a drug that is sold here in the States or Mexico with another name I would really like to know about it.
    • 1997 2月 27, Chih Hao Chen Ku, 「Aortic insuficiency」, 出自 sci.med.cardiology[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-09:
      An echocardiography showed a dilated left ventricle with global contractility conserved; mitral valve with mild fibrosis and a dilated mitral ring; aortic valve not calcificated, with plail; an eyection fraction of 65% was found.
    • 1998 9月 21, Imani Robinson, 「Basal ganglia and its calcification...」, 出自 alt.health[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-09:
      What is the basal ganglia? (use of, purpose of, benefit to the quality of life, etc.) What happens when the left globus pallidus, which I gather is a part of the basal ganglia, begins calcificating? Any and all information is appreciated!

意大利語 編輯

詞源1 編輯

動詞 編輯


  1. calcificare 的屈折變化形式:
    1. 第二人稱複數現在時直陳式
    2. 第二人稱複數命令式

詞源2 編輯

分詞 編輯

calcificate f 

  1. calcificato陰性複數

西班牙語 編輯

動詞 編輯


  1. calcificar第二人稱單數voseo命令式te 的合詞