
英語 編輯

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名詞 編輯

dead wood (不可數)

  1. (不可數俗語經管公司等組織的) 累贅,沒有貢獻的人
    • 2001, Michael B. Arthur, Denise M. Rousseau, The Boundaryless Career: A New Employment Principle for a New Organizational Era[1], Oxford University Press, →ISBN,頁號 140:
      Everybody knows that when you have a layoff, you use it as chance to get rid of the people you wanted to get rid of anyway, but couldn't document or hadn't bothered documenting as bad employees [] 。If you don't have much dead wood, you hope they make you use a seniority list, because then you can say it's out of your control.
  2. 僅按字面意思,並無比喻或俗語義;參見deadwood

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