英語 編輯

發音 編輯

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動詞 編輯

grow out of (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 grows out of,現在分詞 growing out of,過去式 grew out of,過去分詞 grown out of)

  1. 從...處出現,從...長出來,產生自,是...的成果
  2. (俗語) 長大後不再適合 尤指衣物
    I give my old clothes to charity when I've grown out of them.
  3. (俗語引申義) 長大成熟後不再有,長大後改掉 愛好,習慣等
    • 2002, House of the Seven Gables - Page 37
      Still, I see you mean well enough, and are merely suffering from the debilitating cheerfulness of youth. You will soon grow out of that.

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