參見:short-waveshort wave

英語 編輯

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源自 short +‎ wave

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形容詞 編輯

shortwave (無比較級)

  1. (指無線電波) 短波的(波長介乎10-100米的)
  2. (指無線電設備)接受傳輸短波的

派生詞彙 編輯

參見 編輯

名詞 編輯

shortwave (複數 shortwaves)

  1. 短波
    Shortwaves are longer than microwaves.短波比微波更長。
  2. (口語usually以複數形式) 短波頻率(尤其用於廣播
    • 1972, Len Buckwalter, 99 Ways to Improve Your Shortwave Listening,頁號 90:
      The fun of listening to shortwave while in a car or boat is diminished by spark-plug noise created while the engine is running.
    Many stations broadcast on shortwaves.許多電臺以短波進行廣播。
  3. (氣象學) 短波輻射
    • 1973, Richard G. Hendl, Statistical Analysis of Shortwave Fadeout Occurrence for the Years 1955 to 1969:
      Some doubt is cast on the quality of the shortwave fadeout data during the early part of the period considered.
    • 1995, Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document.,頁號 214:
      A concise review is presented for the algorithm that has been tentatively selected to produce simulated net shortwave surface fluxes from measured TOA radiances.
    • 1996, 1986 Daily Daylight Cloud Fraction, Shortwave Surface Radiation, and Transmittance for 502 Sites,頁號 1:
      Shortwave radiative fluxes that reach the earth's surface are key factors that influence atmospheric and oceanic circulations as well as surface climate.

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