
英語 編輯

動詞 編輯

sympathise (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 sympathises,現在分詞 sympathising,一般過去時及過去分詞 sympathised)

  1. sympathize在非牛津英式拼寫的標準拼寫
    • 2020 11月 18, Mike Brown tells Paul Stephen, 「I wasn't going to let the Mayor down」, 出自 Rail,頁號 44:
      Brown heavily sympathises with the challenges now being faced by his successor Andy Byford and Mayor Sadiq Khan, to secure a more sustainable funding formula for TfL that is less reliant on farebox income.

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  1. sympathiser 的屈折變化形式:
    1. 第一人稱/第三人稱單數現在時直陳式/虛擬式
    2. 第二人稱單數命令式