編輯unsavoury (比較級 more unsavoury,最高級 most unsavoury)
- (英式拼寫) unsavory的另一種拼寫法
- 2012年4月23日, Angelique Chrisafis, 「François Hollande on top but far right scores record result in French election [弗朗索瓦·奧朗德當選,但極右翼在法國選舉中取得歷史最高得票]」, 出自 the Guardian[1]:
- The lawyer and twice-divorced mother of three had presented herself as the modern face of her party, trying to strip it of unsavoury overtones after her father's convictions for saying the Nazi occupation of France was not "particularly inhumane".
- 在父親因說納粹對法國的佔領並非「特別不人道」而被定罪後,這位有三個孩子、離過兩次婚的律師母親曾以該黨的「新一代」面孔示人,試圖使其擺脫因此被蒙上的不光彩。
- 2021年9月2日, Phil McNulty, 「Hungary 0-4 England [匈牙利 0-4 英格蘭]」, 出自 BBC[2]:
- England consolidated their position of power in pursuit of a place at next year's World Cup in Qatar with a hugely impressive victory against Hungary in a hostile and often unsavoury atmosphere in Budapest.
- 在布達佩斯敵對和經常令人感到討厭的氣氛中,英格蘭對匈牙利取得了一場印象深刻的勝利,從而鞏固了他們追求明年卡塔爾世界盃名次的實力。