
英语 编辑

形容词 编辑

distingué (比較級 more distingué最高級 most distingué)

  1. distingue的另一種拼寫法
    • 1873, Charles Reade, 章號 IX, 出自 A Simpleton: A Story of the Day [], 卷 I, London: Chapman and Hall, [], →OCLC頁號 57:
      By the time the blue dress was tried on, Madame Cie had, with the aid of a few pins, plaits, and a bow of blue ribbon, transformed the half-lace shawl into one of the smartest and distingué things imaginable; but when the bill came in at Christmas, for that five minutes' labor and distingué touch, she charged one pound eight.
      穿上這條藍裙子的時候,Cie 夫人只用幾根針、幾條辮子和一條藍絲帶,就把這半條蕾絲披肩,改成了一件你可以想象出的最精巧、最優雅的服裝之一;然而聖誕節賬單到來時卻發現,穿戴好這優雅的裙子不過五分鐘時間,她要收費一鎊八便士。
    • 1892, Robert Louis Stevenson, Lloyd Osbourne, “In which Jim and I Take Different Ways”, 出自 The Wrecker, London, Paris: Cassell & Company, [], →OCLC頁號 179:
      And she likes you so much, and thinks you so accomplished and distingué-looking, and was just as set as I was to have you for best man.

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分词 编辑

distingué (陰性 distinguée,陽性複數 distingués,陰性複數 distinguées)

  1. distinguer過去時分詞

形容詞 编辑

distingué (陰性 distinguée,陽性複數 distingués,陰性複數 distinguées)

  1. 傑出的,卓越
  2. 優雅的,高雅

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