
英語 编辑


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詞源 编辑

源自波斯語 قنات (qanât),源自阿拉伯語 قَنَاة (qanāh).

名詞 编辑

qanat (複數 qanats)

  1. 坎兒井
    • 1981: Richard Edward Chapman, Geology and Water: An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics for Geologists, page 112.
      Shafts are dug to the required level along the planned route of the qanat, every 300 m or so, and the construction of the [...]
    • 1988: Keith Stanley McLachlan, The Neglected Garden: The Politics and Ecology of Agriculture in Iran
      Elsewhere over large areas of the plateau and the foothill regions, the qanat irrigation cultures were weakened considerably. Water supplies diminished [...]

近義詞 编辑

參考資料 编辑

  • For a schematic of a qanat, refer to Geology and Water: An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics for Geologists, by Richard Edward Chapman, 1981, page 112.

韃靼語 编辑

名詞 编辑


  1. 翅膀