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源自中古英语 philosophie古法语 philosophie以及两者词源拉丁语 philosophia,源自古希腊语 φιλοσοφία (philosophía),源自φίλος (phílos, 爱...的) + σοφία (sophía, 智慧)。可作philo- +‎ -sophy分析。取代英语本土词古英语 ūþwitegung

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名词 编辑

philosophy (可数 不可数,复数 philosophies)

  1. (不可数原意) 喜好智慧
  2. (不可数) 哲学 学科
    Philosophy is often divided into five major branches: logic, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics.
  3. (可数) 理论体系理念体系
  4. (可数) 哲学 某领域基本概念的看法、观念
    a philosophy of government;   a philosophy of education
  5. (可数) 一般规则 一般指道德
    • 2012, Francesca Valensise, From Building Fabric to City Form: Reconstruction in Calabria at end of Eighteenth Century[1], Gangemi Editore spa, →ISBN,页号 8:
      As a matter of fact the Enlightment culture was based on a philosophy inspired to an ethical laicism whose aim was to create a better society based on principles such as solidarity, equality of rights and duties, and full freedom.
  6. (古旧) 更广义的非应用科学分支
  7. 冷静理智行为举止
  8. (印刷过时) small pica之同义词 (常用于法语印刷)
    • 2010, Thomas Wharton, Salamander, Emblem Editions (ISBN 9781551994444)
      Although I prefer small pica. Or as itsTemplate:SIC sometimes known, philosophy.
      Small pica, or philosophy, she said. It sounds like the title of a novel. With a girl heroine.

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philosophy (第三人称单数简单现在时 philosophies,现在分词 philosophying,一般过去时及过去分词 philosophied)

  1. (罕用) 论述

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  • "philosophy" in Raymond Williams, Keywords (revised), 1983, Fontana Press, page 235.