编辑Gibraltarian (比較級 more Gibraltarian,最高級 most Gibraltarian)
- 直布羅陀的
- 2013, Simon Jenkins, Gibraltar and the Falklands deny the logic of history (in The Guardian, 14 August 2013)[1]
- The curse has been Spanish ineptitude feeding Gibraltarian intransigence. Border hold-ups are counterproductive to winning hearts and minds, as were blundering Argentinian landings on the outer Falklands.
- 诅咒在于,西班牙的无能助长了直布罗陀不妥协的意愿。边境封锁不但没有赢得人心,还起了反作用,就像当年阿根廷在福克兰群岛外围的错误登陆一样。
- 2013, Simon Jenkins, Gibraltar and the Falklands deny the logic of history (in The Guardian, 14 August 2013)[1]
编辑Gibraltarian (複數 Gibraltarians)
- 直布羅陀人
- 2013, Simon Jenkins, Gibraltar and the Falklands deny the logic of history (in The Guardian, 14 August 2013)[2]
- The idea of a British warship supposedly menacing Spain is ludicrous. Is it meant to bomb Cadiz? Will its guns lift a rush-hour tailback in a colony that most Britons regard as awash with tax dodgers, drug dealers and right-wing whingers? The Gibraltarians have rights, but why British taxpayers should send warships to enforce them, even if just "on exercise", is a mystery.
- 一艘英国军舰怎么会对西班牙造成威胁呢,这个想法真是可笑。它是要轰炸加的斯吗?它的炮火会在直布罗陀,这个被大多数英国人视为充斥着逃税者、毒贩和发牢骚的右翼者的殖民地,掀起一阵“高峰期的长队”吗?直布罗陀人有权利,但为什么英国的纳税人要派军舰去执行这些权利,即使只是“演习”,也是一个谜。
- 2013, Simon Jenkins, Gibraltar and the Falklands deny the logic of history (in The Guardian, 14 August 2013)[2]