英語 编辑

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名詞 编辑


  1. cut複數
    • 1922, "The Bride's Cookery Primer", Good Housekeeping, 卷 74,頁號 66:
      Broiling is but another way of roasting those cuts of meat which have a broad, flat surface such as steaks, chops, or cutlets.

名詞 编辑

cuts  (僅複數)

  1. (澳大利亞新西蘭過時歷史帶定冠詞「the」) 學校教師實施的體罰
    • 1995, Bill Marsh, Ape, Old Yanconian Daze, page 110,
      ‘I′ll give you something to keep you awake, McFadyen!’ Ape shouted.
      Meat was taken off to the staff room and given the cuts.
    • 2001, Lyall Ford, Poorhouse to Paradise: The Adventures of a Pioneering Family in a North Queensland Country Town[1],頁號 55:
      He reckons that about 80% of the boys in the school regularly received the cuts from Mr Saunders so he didn′t feel as if he was being unduly picked on.
    • 2008, Gaynor McGrath, Lemniscate[2],頁號 250:
      My greatest happiness is that Sebastian is having a good time at school and has never been given the cuts.

動詞 编辑


  1. cut的第三人稱單數簡單現在時直陳式

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