
英语 编辑

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形容词借自法語 déplorable (可悲的),或源自其词源晚期拉丁語 dēplōrābilis + 英語 -able (能够...的)[1]其中Dēplōrābilis派生自拉丁語 dēplōrō (抱怨;痛惜,悲痛)[2] + -ābilis (能够...的,应受...的),而dēplōrō源自dē- (程度增强前缀) + plōrō (喊出;抱怨;悲痛)(可能源自原始印歐語 *pleh₃(w)- (流;游泳))。

名词派生自形容词。[2]美国政治相关义项指的是美国政客及民主党希拉里·克林顿(1947年生)在2016年美国总统选举期间的一次讲话中说,她的对手共和党唐纳德·特朗普(1946年生)的支持者是“basket of deplorables”(一群可悲的人)。[3]

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形容词 编辑

deplorable (比較級 more deplorable最高級 most deplorable)

  1. 极差的,恶劣的,应遭谴责
    Poor children suffer permanent damage due to deplorable living conditions and deplorable treatment by law enforcement.
    Poor children are often accused of having deplorable manners, when they are, in fact, simply responding to society in ways that mirror how society treats them.
  2. 可悲的,令人同情
    We were all saddened by the deplorable death of his son.
    • 1719, Daniel Defoe, The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe
      There was a youth and his mother, and a maidservant on board, who were going passengers, and thinking the ship was ready to sail, unhappily came on board the evening before the hurricane began; and having no provisions of their own left, they were in a more deplorable condition than the rest.
    • Template:RQ:Tocqueville Democracy
    • 1840, Public Documents of the State of Maine, "Report Relating to the Insane Hospital", Committee on Public Buildings
      If, however, the early symptoms of insanity be neglected till the brain becomes accustomed to the irregular actions of disease, or till organic changes take place from the early violence of those actions, then the case becomes hopeless of cure. In this situation, in too many cases, the victim of this deplorable malady is cast off by his friends, thrust into a dungeon or in chains, there to remain till the shattered intellect shall exhaust all its remaining energies in perpetual raving and violence, till it sinks into hopeless and deplorable idiocy.
    • Template:RQ:Besant Ivory Gate

近义词 编辑

名词 编辑

deplorable (複數 deplorables)

  1. 可悲的人或物
    • 1970, Esquire (volume 74)
      [] heralding, this season, an end of the most awful of all apparel abominations, that most despicable of all deplorables, the ankle sock.
  2. (新詞美国政治) 特朗普支持者

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中古法语 编辑

词源 编辑

15世纪晚期,借自拉丁語 dēplōrābilis

形容词 编辑

deplorable m f (複數 deplorables)

  1. 可悲

西班牙语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自晚期拉丁語 dēplōrābilis,等价于deplorar +‎ -able

形容词 编辑

deplorable (複數 deplorables)

  1. 可悲

衍生词汇 编辑

延伸阅读 编辑

  1. deplorable, adj.”, Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.
  2. 2.0 2.1 对比“deplorable, adj. and n.”, OED Online  , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, March 2023
  3. Katie Reilly , quoting Hillary Clinton (10 September 2016) Time, New York, N.Y.: Time Warner Publishing, ISSN 0928-8430, OCLC 749127914, 存档自[ 原始网页]于: “‘You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?’ Clinton said.”