





dictionary 之五音節發音(大概讀作 /ˈdɪksɪ.ʊˌnæːɹɪ/)的詞中音消失形式;比较 merlin中古英語 merlioun 的演化。





dixnary (複數 dixnaries)

  1. (棄用) dictionary的發音拼寫
    • [1696 [1676], Edward Young, “The difference of Writing”, 出自 Compleat English Scholar [] [1], twelfth版, London: Thomas Guy,第 78 頁:
      de-ſi-er deſire / dix-na-ry dictionary / di-viſ-yun diviſion
    • 1847 January – 1848 July, William Makepeace Thackeray, “Chiswick Mall”, 出自 Vanity Fair. A Novel without a Hero, London: Bradbury and Evans, [], 出版於 1848, →OCLC第 2 頁:
      "MISS JEMIMA!" exclaimed Miss Pinkerton, in the largest capitals. "Are you in your senses? Replace the Dixonary in the closet, and never venture to take such a liberty in future.".
    • 1891年2月11日, James Russell Lowell, “To Mrs. L. Stephen”, 出自 Charles Eliot Norton 編, Letters of James Russell Lowell[2], 第 II 卷, New York: Harper & Brothers, 出版於 1894,第 433 頁:
      But it is well for him to get away from the Dixery. I hate to think of his giving his life for the lives of fellows of whom we were blessedly ignorant ; they were most of them dead or damned , and we hoped we were rid of 'em.
    • 1905年5月5日, A Constan' Rayder, “More Postcards: The Southmolton Division”, 出自 Devon And Exeter Gazette, 第 CXXXIII 卷, 第 18238 號, Exeter: G.F. Gratwick,第 11 頁:
      An' her tull'th me these yer Debben talk is a prapper langwige, an that all tha gentlevoks ust ta spaik like us do now, that "thicky" an "nort" wiz quite prapper wurds, and her zed her zeed "orts" in a ole dicksnary she wiz raydin.
    • 1932年7月13日, Virginia Woolf, 編者Anne Olivier Bell, The diary of Virginia Woolf, 第 4 卷, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 出版於 1980116:
      Yes, but then the triumph of learning is that it leaves something done solidly for ever. Everybody knows now about dialect, owing to his dixery [Joseph Wright's English Dialect Dictionary].
  2. (印度) dictionary的拼寫錯誤


  • 这个词所代表的三音节发音在这种拼写被证明之前是流行的(参见 Richard Snary),但到了 19 世纪,它在标准语音中已经不再使用;进一步的非标准演化为 dixery,仅在标准英语使用者的诙谐用法中得到证实。[1][2]

