英语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自中古英語 hiderto,对应英语中hither +‎ to

发音 编辑

  • (英國) IPA(幫助)/ˈhɪðəˌtuː/, /ˌhɪðəˈtuː/, [ˈhɪðəˌtʰuː], [ˌhɪðəˈtʰuː]
  • (美國) IPA(幫助)/ˈhɪðɚˌtu/, /ˌhɪðɚˈtu/, [ˈhɪðɚˌtʰu], [ˌhɪðɚˈtʰu]
  • 文檔

副词 编辑

hitherto (不可比)

  1. (正式, 亦法律) 迄今目前为止
    • 1830, Anna Maria Porter, The Barony, 卷 3,頁號 460:
      The exhaustless conjecturings of that evening's full conversation, made such of the small party, as had hitherto been strangers, well acquainted with each other's turn of mind []
    • 2014,James Lambert,“Diachronic stability in Indian English lexis”,出自 World Englishes, 頁號124:
      The results of this study argue for a greater endonormativity in Indian English than has hitherto been recognised.
    • 2021年10月20日,Paul Stephen,“Leisure and pleasure on the Far North Line”,出自 RAIL,期號942, 頁號49:
      North of Tain [...], the line reaches the southern shore of Dornoch Firth. Here, the railway and the A9 trunk road, which have hitherto run close together, diverge.
    近義詞: up to nowheretofore;亦參見Thesaurus:hitherto
    反義詞: from now onhenceforth;亦參見Thesaurus:henceforth

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