拉丁語 编辑

拉丁語數字 ()
 ←  13 XIV
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    序數詞quārtusdecimus, quārtus decimus
維基百科 la

其他寫法 编辑

  • 羅馬數字:XIV

詞源 编辑

源自quattuor () + decem ()

發音 编辑

  • (古典) IPA(幫助)/kʷat.tuˈor.de.kim/, [kʷat̪.t̪ʊˈɔr.d̪ɛ.kɪ̃ˑ]
  • (教會) IPA(幫助)/kwat.tuˈor.de.t͡ʃim/, [kwat̪.t̪uˈɔr.d̪ɛ.t͡ʃim]

數詞 编辑

quattuordecim (无变格)

  1. 十四,14
    • c. 100 CE – 110 CE, Tacitus, Histories 1.5:
      laudata olim et militari fama celebrata severitas eius angebat aspernantis veterem disciplinam atque ita quattuordecim annis a Nerone adsuefactos ut haud minus vitia principum amarent quam olim virtutes verebantur.
      The strictness once so commended, and celebrated in the praises of the army, was galling to troops who rebelled against the old discipline, and who had been accustomed by fourteen years' service under Nero to love the vices of their emperors, as much as they had once respected their virtues.
    • 405 CE, Jerome, Vulgate Regum I.8.65:
      fecit ergo Salomon in tempore illo festivitatem celebrem et omnis Israhel cum eo multitudo magna ab introitu Emath usque ad rivum Aegypti coram Domino Deo nostro septem diebus et septem diebus id est quattuordecim diebus
      And at that time Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great congregation, from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven days and seven days, even fourteen days.

近義詞 编辑

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參考資料 编辑

  • quattuordecim in Charlton T. Lewis & Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879
  • quattuordecim”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • quattuordecim在Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français (拉丁語-法語詳解詞典), Hachette中的內容