英语 编辑

形容词 编辑

8-bit (无比较级)

  1. (计算机) 以8位元/比特单位
    • 2007, Nick Collins, Julio d'Escriván, The Cambridge companion to electronic music (page 189)
      I started creating 8-bit music around 2002 when I picked up nanoloop []
  2. (电脑图形音乐) 来自或类似8位元电脑时代艺术音乐
    • 2008 1月 1, Karen Collins, Game Sound: An Introduction to the History, Theory, and Practice of Video Game Music and Sound Design, MIT Press, →ISBN:
      Typically far more complex than the songs of the 8-bit games, songs in Amiga games had a highly varied structure, but usually followed the same basic principles seen in the 8-bit games (shorter loops with fewer distinct sections for battle music, and longer loops with more distinct sections for in-game music).
    • 2008 11月 12, Brett Camper, “Retro Reflexivity: La-Mulana”, 出自 Bernard Perron, Mark J.P. Wolf 编, The Video Game Theory Reader 2, Routledge, →ISBN:
      Much of La-Mulana's 8-bit aesthetic is tied to its self-imposed graphical limitations. To start, the native resolution of 256 × 192 pixels is (as we would expect) much less than that of contemporary standards []

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