circuit breaker
编辑circuit breaker (复数 circuit breakers)
- (电学) 断路器
- 1961 November, “Talking of Trains: Derailment near Holmes Chapel”, 出自 Trains Illustrated,第 652 页:
- From the evidence of witnesses and of the recorded passing times, including the time at which the circuit breakers were tripped when the wires were brought down, the train was travelling at a speed of not less than 70 m.p.h.
- 根据目击者的证词和记录下的通过时间,包括电线被拉下时断路器跳闸的时间来判断,火车的行驶速度应不低于每小时 70 英里。
- 2019 October, Roger Ford, “Power failure highlights specification confusion”, 出自 Modern Railways,第 27 页:
- Typically traction packages monitor the supply frequency and if it strays outside pre-set limits open the circuit breaker between the pantograph and the transformer to shut off the power.
- 通常,牵引装置会监控电源频率,如果偏离预设的限值,则打开受电弓和变压器之间的断路器以切断电源。
- (金融) trade curb (“熔断机制”)之同义词
- (主要用于新加坡) 为防止流行病(尤其是COVID-19)传播而采取的隔离措施
- (程式设计) 用于检测故障并防止其不断重复发生的设计模式