英语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自中古英语,源自晚期拉丁语 corōllārium (为花冠支付钱;礼物,酬金;推导),源自corōlla (小花冠)corōna (冠,王冠)的指小词。

发音 编辑

  • 国际音标(帮助)/kɒˈɹɒləɹi/, /ˈkɒɹələɹi/
  • (美国) 英语发音kôr'əlĕrē国际音标(帮助)/ˈkɔɹəˌlɛɹi/
  • (澳大利亚) 国际音标(帮助)/kɔˈɹoʊˌlɛɹi/
  • 文档

名词 编辑

corollary (复数 corollaries)

  1. 附赠品,多给的物品
  2. 顺便做的事情,顺水推舟达成的结果
    Finally getting that cracked window fixed was a nice corollary of redoing the whole storefront.
  3. (数学逻辑学) 推论
    We have proven that this set is finite and well ordered; as a corollary, we now know that there is an order-preserving map from it to the natural numbers.

衍生词汇 编辑

形容词 编辑

corollary (无比较级)

  1. 顺水推舟的,顺便
    • 2019, Li Huang, James Lambert, “Another Arrow for the Quiver: A New Methodology for Multilingual Researchers”, 出自 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, →DOI,页号 11:
      However, given current sensibilities about individual privacy and data protection, the recording of oral data is becoming increasingly onerous for researchers who are obliged to navigate an often time-consuming and complex series of administrative requirements and corollary review processes in order to be granted ethics clearance.
  2. (罕用) 构成推论

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