英语 编辑

词源 编辑

goof +‎ ball

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名词 编辑

goofball (复数 goofballs)

  1. (非正式贬义有时爱称) 傻子傻瓜 指人或动物
    If that goofball would put half the effort into her studies as she does into her juggling, she might do very well.
  2. (非正式药理学) 麻醉药 尤指巴比妥类药物
    • 1953 4月 27, “Capsules”, 出自 Time:
      Strong Cobb & Co. of Cleveland announced a new barbiturate which in overlarge doses will turn the stomachs of "goofball" addicts and would-be suicides.
    • Template:RQ:Kerouac On the Road

形容词 编辑

goofball (无比较级)

  1. (非正式)
    He announced, with his usual goofball humor, that he'd like to marry me!

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