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名词 编辑

high noon (复数 high noons)

  1. (俗语) 正午
    The same streets that are inviting and quiet at high noon may be intimidating at night.
    近义词: noontimenoontidenonesmidday
  2. (俗语比喻义) (人的一生/某项活动/时代的)鼎盛时期
    近义词: noontimenoontide
  3. (俗语) 提前定好要宣布重大决定,或遭到报应的时间
    • 1860 January 27, William Lloyd Garrison, annual meeting, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, as quoted in Liberator (1860 February 3)
      [] whereas, ten years since, there were thousands who could not endure my lightest word of rebuke to the South, they can now easily swollow John Brown whole, and his rifle into the bargain. In firing his gun, he has merely told us what time of day it is. It is high noon, thank God!

使用说明 编辑

有关 high noontwelve o'clock high 之间的区别,参见 twelve o'clock § 使用说明

参见 编辑