英语 编辑

美洲西鲱 (Alosa sapidissima)
维基百科 en

词源 编辑

源自古英语 sceadd凯尔特语族(参见爱尔兰语 sgadan (鲱鱼)ysgadan)或源自斯堪的纳维亚语言(参见方言挪威语 skadd)。

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名词 编辑

shad (复数 shads shad)

  1. 西鲱Alosa
    • 2003, Edith Grossman, translator, Gabriel García Márquez, Living to Tell the Tale, Chapter 1
      Each river had its village and its iron bridge that the train crossed with a blast of its whistle, and the girls bathing in the icy water leaped like shad as it passed, unsettling travelers with their fleeting breasts.
  2. (南非) 扁鲹, Pomatomus saltatrix.

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