英语 编辑

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词源1 编辑

参见 sash

名词 编辑

shash (复数 shashes)

  1. (弃用) 围巾头巾[1]
  2. (弃用) 饰带[1]
参考资料 编辑

词源2 编辑


名词 编辑

shash (不可数)

  1. (电视) snow (雪花状杂讯/噪声)之同义词
    • 1997, Paul Kriwaczek, Documentary for the Small Screen:
      Even productions designed for office or home video viewing usually need a title sequence to mark off the empty tape, hiss and shash from the prepared recording []
    • 2012, Paul Farley, Michael Symmons Roberts, Edgelands: Journeys Into England's True Wilderness,页号 159:
      No one sees shash now, but it was naked television. Shash was the term for those black-and-burst patterns that danced across the screen when there was nothing being broadcast.
参考资料 编辑
  • Brian Armstrong (1976) The Glossary of TV Terms, 页80

动词 编辑

shash (第三人称单数简单现在时 shashes,现在分词 shashing,一般过去时及过去分词 shashed)

  1. (不及物罕用) 产生白杂讯/白噪音
    • 2003, Libby Purves, Casting Off:
      The machine shashed and crackled, broadcasting silence. Urgently the man repeated, 'Shearwater, Shearwater, Shearwater. This is Brewmarine. Keith speaking. Over. Over.' More shashing, more silence.

异序词 编辑

阿法尔语 编辑

名词 编辑

shash? ?

  1. 已婚阿法尔妇女传统裙装中,戴在头上的一条黑带[1]

参考资料 编辑

  1. Jim Haskins and Joann Biondi (1995) From Afar to Zulu : a dictionary of African cultures, New York: Walker, 页8

纳瓦霍语 编辑

维基百科 nv

词源 编辑

继承原始德内语 *xʸɨshʷ ()。与阿特纳语 sos同源。

发音 编辑

名词 编辑


派生词 编辑

参考资料 编辑

西阿帕契语 编辑

发音 编辑

名词 编辑
