英语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自中古英语 trysttrist,源自古法语 tristre (等待地点,打猎时约定的地方),可能源自北日耳曼语支,比如古诺尔斯语 treysta (保全),源自traust (信任,安全,帮助,藏身处),源自原始日耳曼语 *traustą (信任,避难所),源自原始印欧语 *deru-*dreu-*drū- (确信)trust同源对似词(亦参见)。

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

tryst (复数 trysts)

  1. 幽会
    • Template:RQ:Tennyson Merlin and Vivien
    • Template:RQ:Miller Cancer
    • 2004, Richard Dawkins, The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life,页号 11:
      But, for the most part, we shall mark our progress to the dawn of life by the measure of those 40 natural milestones, the trysts that enrich our pilgrimage.
    • 2005, Julian Baggini, The Pig that Wants to be Eaten: And 99 other thought experiments, №91: “No one gets hurt”, page 271 (Granta; ISBN 1862078556, 9781862078550)
      If someone trusts you, what is lost if you betray that trust? As Scarlett is tempted to see it, sometimes nothing at all. If her husband remains ignorant of her tryst, then his trust in her will remain intact. ‘No one gets hurt’ runs her reasoning, so why not go ahead?
  2. (弃用) 协议合约
  3. (苏格兰历史) 定期集市
    同类词: fairmartmarketfarmers' market

动词 编辑

tryst (第三人称单数简单现在时 trysts,现在分词 trysting,一般过去时及过去分词 trysted)

  1. (不及物) 幽会
  2. (及物) 约定安排(会议时间等)
  3. (不及物) 赴约
    • 1902, John Buchan, The Outgoing of the Tide
      He said he was jealous, and craved something to ease his care. 'It's but a small thing I ask,' says he, 'but it will make me a happy man, and nothing ever shall come atween us. Tryst wi' me for Beltane's E'en on the Sker sands, at the green link o' the burn where the sands begin, on the ebb o' the tide when midnight is by, but afore cockcrow. For,' said he, 'that was our forbears' tryst for true lovers, and wherefore no for you and me?'

异序词 编辑