英语 编辑

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  • 国际音标(帮助)/ˈvɪzɪtɪŋ/
  • 文档

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  1. visit 的现在分词

名词 编辑

visiting (复数 visitings)

  1. 访问
    • 1606, William Shakespeare, Macbeth
      Come, you spirits [] make thick my blood, / Stop up th' access and passage to remorse / That no compunctious visitings of nature / Shake my fell purpose []
    • 2003, Joseph A. Conforti, Imagining New England (page 107)
      Instead, he found the Sabbath in North Carolina "generally disregarded, or distinguished by the convivial visitings of the white inhabitants, and the noisy diversions of the negroes."