編輯- 英語發音:jǔʹfo͞oʹ
- Zhifu的過時形式。;(過時) Yantai之同義詞
- 1896, Alex Armstrong, In a Mule Litter to the Tomb of Confucius [乘坐騾車前往孔林的途中][1], James Nisbet & Co., →OCLC,第 5 頁:
- We left Chefoo at 2.30 P.M. on Monday, 15th December, and had a pretty rough bit of road immediately after we started. Going up a steep pass, almost due south of Temple Hill, made the mules blow in a most unsatisfactory manner. I was well done-up myself when I got to the top, and was more than pleased to rest a little and look down upon fading Yen-t'ai (the Chinese name for Chefoo), before the hills would shut it from my sight for weeks.
- 我們於12月15日(星期一)下午2點30分離開芝罘,出發後立即經過了一段相當崎嶇的道路。在廟山差不多正南方向的地方,騾車上了一個陡峭的山口,行駛也非常顛簸。當我到達山頂時,我自己也很累了。我很高興能休息一下,並在山丘將要離開我的視線之前,俯視着逐漸消失的煙臺(「芝罘」的中文名稱)。
- 1898, John D. Ford, An American Cruiser In The East; Travels And Studies in the Far East; The Aleutian Islands, Behring’s Sea; Eastern Siberia, Japan, Korea, China, Formosa, Hong Kong, and the Philippine Islands [一艘航行在東方的美國巡洋艦;在遠東的旅行和研究;阿留申群島、白令海;東西伯利亞、日本、朝鮮、中國、福爾摩沙、香港和菲律賓群島][2], 2nd版, New York: A. S. Barnes and Company,第 235 頁:
- The population of Chefoo is about thirty-three thousand, of whom about six hundred are foreigners. Its trade is principally in beans and beancake, of which enormous quantities are sent to the southern ports of China.
- 芝罘的人口約為三万三千人,其中約有六百人是外國人。當地的主要商品是豆子和豆餅,大量的豆子和豆餅被運往華南的港口。
- 1904, Robert Coventry Forsyth 編, The China Martyrs of 1900 [1900年的中國殉道者][3],第 251 頁:
- This conviction impressed itself on Mr. John Fowler, the United States Consul in Chefoo, who, with characteristic energy, set about to secure the safety of the missionaries in the province of Shantung, of which a large number were under his consular authority, as citizens of the United States of America.
- 這一信念給美國駐芝罘領事John Fowler先生留下了深刻的印象,他不遺餘力,着手確保山東省內傳教士的安全,其中大量的傳教士作為美利堅合眾國的公民,在他的領事管轄之下。
- 1934, George Babock Cressey, China's Geographic Foundations: A Survey of the Land and Its People [中國地理基礎:土地和人民的調查][4], McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,第 222 頁:
- About two-thirds of the immigrants enter Manchuria by sea and a third come overland. Those arriving by boat come from Tsingtao, Chefoo, or Tientsin to Dairen or Yingkow, while those coming overland travel on the Peiping-Liaoning Railway or journey on foot.
- 大約有三分之二的移民從海上進入東北,三分之一從陸路進入。坐船來的人從青島、芝罘或天津到大連或營口,而從陸路來的人則經由京奉鐵路或徒步旅行。
- 1999, Margaret Negodaeff-Tomsik, Honour Due: The Story of Dr. Leonora Howard King[5], Canadian Medical Association, →ISBN,第 38 頁:
- At this point, Leonora Howard's real adventure begins. She will board another steamer, this one bound for Tientsin, some 1,600 kilometres to the north. Leaving the filthy harbour, the steamer will turn east again into the relative freshness of the Yellow Sea, heading for Tsingtao, Chefoo, and finally the Taku sandbar outside of Tientsin, where loom to long low forts.
- 這時,萊昂諾拉-霍華德的真正冒險開始了。她將登上另一艘汽船,這艘汽船的目的地是北方大約1600公里外的天津。離開這個渾濁的港口,汽船將再次轉向東方,進入相對乾淨的黃海,前往青島、芝罘,最後是天津外的大沽沙洲,那裡隱約可見長長的低矮堡壘。
- 2004, Frances Osborne, Lilla's Feast: A True Story of Food, Love, and War in the Orient[6], Ballantine Books, →ISBN,第 14 頁:
- In 1877, Chefoo's exports came from the town's agricultural hinterland of the Shantung Province.
- 1877年,芝罘的出口來自該鎮背靠山東省腹地的農產品。
編輯- 「Chefoo」 in the Collins English Dictionary
- 「Chefoo, pn.」,Lexico,; Oxford University Press,2019–present年.
- OneLook 在線詞典 上有關 Chefoo 的釋義
- 「Chefoo」 in Merriam–Webster Online Dictionary.
- 「Chefoo」 in, 賓夕法尼亞州亨廷頓谷: Farlex, Inc., 2003–2025.