英語 編輯

詞源 編輯

源自古法語 asaillant,源自動詞asaillir (跳上),源自拉丁語 assaliō,源自ad (朝,向) + saliō ()

發音 編輯

名詞 編輯

assailant (複數 assailants)

  1. 攻擊
    • 2018, Edo Konrad, "Living in the constant shadow of settler violence", +972 Magazine:
      In the village of Aqraba, the Sheikh Saadeh Mosque was set on fire before the assailants graffitied the words 「price tag」 and 「revenge」 on its walls.
  2. 〉 激烈的反對

形容詞 編輯

assailant (無比較級)

  1. 攻擊性的
    • 1671, John Milton, Samson Agonistes, lines 1687 to 1696.
      But he though blind of sight, / Despis'd, and thought extinguish'd quite, / With inward eyes illuminated, / His fiery virtue roused / From under ashes into sudden flame, / And as an evening dragon came, / Assailant on the perched roosts / And nests in order ranged / Of tame villatic fowl, but as an eagle / His cloudless thunder bolted on their heads.

異序詞 編輯