ching chong
編輯ching chong
- (冒犯,種族歧視) 模仿漢語、朝鮮語或其他東亞語言。
- 2008, Alice Pung, Growing Up Asian in Australia,第 91 頁:
- He came up with three or four kids behind him, chanting 'Ching chong! Ching chong! Don't even know how to talk! Don't even know how to fight!'
- 他走了過來,身後有三四個孩子,高喊著「Ching chong!Ching chong!都不知道怎麼說話!都不知道怎麼打架!」
- 2009, Kent A. Ono, Vincent N. Pham, Asian Americans and the media (page 104)
- For example, comedian and talk-show host Adam Corolla and NBA superstar Shaquille O'Neal have each previously made ching chong comments in reference to Asians and Asian Americans.
- 例如,喜劇演員和脫口秀主持人亞當·卡羅拉和NBA超級明星俠客·歐尼爾以前都曾在提到亞洲人和亞裔美國人時發表過ching chong言論。
- For example, comedian and talk-show host Adam Corolla and NBA superstar Shaquille O'Neal have each previously made ching chong comments in reference to Asians and Asian Americans.
編輯- durka durka(模仿中東語言)
- ooga booga(模仿非洲和澳大利亞原住民語言)
- zhing-zhong
編輯ching chong (複數 ching chongs)
- (冒犯,種族歧視) 中國人或其他亞洲人。
- 1952, John Steinbeck, East of Eden:
- “Hey there, Ching Chong, bring the pistol.” In a moment Lee poked the gun butt-first through the door.
- 「喂,慶中,把手槍拿來。」老李很快就把手槍槍柄朝外從門口遞了過來。(王永年譯)