英語 編輯

詞源 編輯

chink +‎ -y

發音 編輯

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形容詞 編輯

chinky (比較級 more chinky最高級 most chinky)

  1. 有裂縫的;多縫隙的
    • 1826, Benjamin Apthorp Gould, The Works of Vergil: Translated into English Prose
      [] the accustomed warmth pierced his marrow, and ran thrilling through his shaken bones; just as when at times, with forked thunder burst, a chinky stream of fire in flashy lightning shoots athwart the skies.
    • 1884, The Australian Journal
      The door was knockerless and chinky, and creaked dismally as I inserted the key.
  2. (貶義冒犯性) 中國的,中華式的

名詞 編輯

chinky (複數 chinkies)

  1. (英國俚語可能帶冒犯性) 中餐館
  2. (英國俚語可能帶冒犯性) 中餐
    • 2013, Harry Morris, Yer Never Gonnae Believe It:
      I've had a Chinky, a Chic Murray and, afore ye came tae collect me, I had some fuckin' fancy Italian pasta dish. It was pure dead brilliant, by the way!
  3. (冒犯性) 中國人華人

近義詞 編輯