
英語 編輯

其他形式 編輯

詞源 編輯

源自中古法語 décrépit,源自拉丁語 decrepitus (非常老的),源自crepare (嘎吱作響)

發音 編輯

  • 國際音標(幫助)/dɪˈkɹɛp.ɪt/
  • 文檔

形容詞 編輯

decrepit (比較級 more decrepit最高級 most decrepit)

  1. (指人) 老態龍鍾的;(指物) 破舊不堪
    • 1834, Letitia Elizabeth Landon, Francesca Carrara, 卷 2,頁號s 79-80:
      Sorrow is subdued by strong necessity; there is no cause why life should be lengthened for our love; and we feel that the worn and the decrepit do but go down into that grave which had received youth, health, beauty,—all that made existence precious—long before.
    • 2021 12月 15, Robin Leleux, 「Awards honour the best restoration projects: The Network Rail Community Award: Saltash and Stow」, 出自 RAIL, 期 946,頁號 58:
      Two entrants shared this award for their work on two quite different stations, but with the same purpose of bringing a redundant station building back into use for the benefit of the community, with the added result of conserving an historic building. Saltash Town Council bought Saltash station building after it had become very decrepit and 'an eyesore' - such that it was nearly pulled down to make way for housing.

近義詞 編輯

衍生詞彙 編輯

延伸閱讀 編輯

  • OneLook 在線詞典 上有關 decrepit 的釋義

異序詞 編輯

羅馬尼亞語 編輯

詞源 編輯

源自法語 décrépit,源自拉丁語 decrepitus

形容詞 編輯

decrepit m n (陰性單數 decrepită,陽性複數 decrepiți,陰性和中性複數 decrepite)

  1. 老態龍鍾的;破舊不堪

變格 編輯