編輯源自拉丁語 dērelictiō (「忽視,遺棄」),源自dērelinquō (「忽視,遺棄」),源自dē- + re- + linquō (「離開」)。
編輯dereliction (可數 和 不可數,複數 derelictions)
- 玩忽職守,瀆職
- The new soldier did not clean his cabin and was scolded for dereliction and disobedience.
- 新兵沒有清理自己的隔間,被罵瀆職,違抗命令。
- What he did was a terrible dereliction of duty.
- 他犯了很嚴重的玩忽職守。
- 2019年5月19日, Alex McLevy, 「The final Game Of Thrones brings a pensive but simple meditation about stories (newbies)」, 出自 The A.V. Club[1]:
- And his final act—leaving the Watch to accompany Tormund and the Wildlings back into the woods North of the wall—no longer seems like a dereliction of duty. It’s the recovery of duty, found by a man who feels he betrayed his queen, who thinks there’s no longer a place for him in these lands.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- 遺棄,拋棄,荒廢,破敗
- Template:RQ:Taylor Holy Living
- 2021年12月15日, Robin Leleux, 「Awards honour the best restoration projects: The Network Rail Community Award: Saltash and Stow」, 出自 RAIL, 第 946 期,第 58 頁:
- After years of unsympathetic commercial use and dereliction, nothing of note remained inside, which accordingly has been reconfigured with modern amenities such as underfloor heating.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- 因水路改變而顯現的陸地