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源自 dick +‎ cheese

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dickcheese (可數 不可數,複數 dickcheeses)

  1. (俚語粗俗) 包皮垢包皮下乾了的精液
    • 2004, John Patrick, Raw Recruits: A Collection Of Stories And Two Erotic Novellas[1],頁號 144:
      ...my tongue erupted with the taste of sweat and stale piss and some stuff I later discovered was called dickcheese.
    • 2010, Richard Labonté, Best of Best Gay Erotica 3, link:
      He had all that built-up dickcheese.
  2. (俚語粗俗) 詈語。
    • 2010, The Hippie, Snowflake Obsidian: Memoir of a Cutter[2],頁號 252:
      Nobody could have done it better than you dickcheese.

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