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源自glee +‎ -ful

發音 編輯

  • 國際音標(幫助)/ˈɡliːfəl/
  • 文檔

形容詞 編輯

gleeful (比較級 more gleeful最高級 most gleeful)

  1. 興高采烈的;洋洋得意
    • 2019 7月 24, David Austin Walsh, 「Flirting With Fascism」, 出自 Jewish Currents[1]:
      During [Tucker] Carlson’s keynote, he wedged sneers at his critics for crying 「racist!」 in between racist remarks about [Ilhan] Omar, jeremiads against the media (「I know there’s a bunch of reporters here, so . . . screw you」), and an attack on Elizabeth Warren and her donors (「She’s a tragedy, because she’s now obsessed with racism, which is why the finance world supports her」)—all to gleeful applause.

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