編輯約1300年,源自中古英語 nigromancye,源自古法語 nigromancie,源自中世紀拉丁語 nigromantia,源自拉丁語 necromantia,源自古希臘語 νεκρομαντεία (nekromanteía)、νεκρός (nekrós, 「死亡的」) + μαντεία (manteía, 「占卜」)。中古拉丁語拼寫,套用了niger (「黑色的」)一詞,受到了巫術(英語 black art)概念的影響。現代拼寫取得於16世紀中葉。
編輯necromancy (可數 和 不可數,複數 necromancies)
- 通靈術
- 1597 King James Daemonologie
- And for to make this treatise the more pleasaunt and facill, I have put it in forme of a Dialogue, which I have diuided into three bookes: The first speaking of Magie in general, and Necromancie in special.
- 1652 Gaule The Magastromancer
- And in one word for all, Nagomancy, or Necromancy; by inspecting, consulting, and divining by, with,或源自the dead.
- 1867 E. Rogers, quoted in K. Thomas Relig. & Decline of Magic
- the Devil did often tempt me to study necromancy and nigromancy and to make use of magic, and to make a league with him...
- 1920 L. Spence Encyc. Occult
- There is no doubt..that necromancy is the touch-stone of occultism...
- 1597 King James Daemonologie
- 招魂術 (任何與死亡或死者有關的法術,尤指召喚或復活死者的)
- (網際網路) necroposting之同義詞