英語 編輯

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詞源 編輯

源自中古低地德語 paltrig (破舊的,劣質的,無價值的),源自palterpalte (破布),源自古撒克遜語 *paltro*palto (布,破布),源自原始日耳曼語 *paltrô*paltô (碎屑,破布,補丁)。 與低地德語 palterig (破敗的,破碎的)、方言用詞德語 palterig (微不足道的)同源。亦對比低地德語 palte (破布)西弗里斯蘭語 palt (破布)薩特弗里斯蘭語 Palte (布條,袋子)德語方言Palter (破布)丹麥語 pjalt (破布,碎布)瑞典語 palta (破布)。另見palterly

發音 編輯

形容詞 編輯

paltry (比較級 paltrier最高級 paltriest)

  1. 價值的,無用的,微不足道的,蹩腳
    近義詞: insignificantunimportantpettytrivial
    This is indeed a paltry flyer about a silly product.
    She made some paltry excuse and left.
    • 1921, Edward Sapir, Language: An introduction to the study of speech:
      There are a great many languages, like Eskimo and Nootka and, aside from paltry exceptions, the Semitic languages, that cannot compound radical elements.
  2. 值錢
    近義詞: meagerworthlesspitifultrifling
    Could someone hope to survive on such a paltry income?
    Student grants these days are paltry, and many students have to take out loans.
    • 1928, William Butler Yeats, Sailing to Byzantium:
      "An aged man is but a paltry thing, / A tattered coat upon a stick"
  3. 可鄙
    A paltry coward.

衍生詞彙 編輯

異序詞 編輯