編輯porphyria (複數 porphyrias)
- (病理學) 紫質症
- 2000, Herbert L. Bonkovsky, Richard W. Lambrecht, 「44: Hemochromatosis, iron overload, and porphyria cutanea tarda」, 出自 Hemochromatosis: Genetics, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment,第 453 頁:
- The term porphyria, derived from the Greek word porphyra, meaning purple, is apt because a hallmark of most of the porphyrias is the overexcretion of porphyrins in urine or feces.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- 2003, M. Lecha, C. Herrero, D. Ozalla, Porphyrias, Andreas D. Katsambas, Torello M. Lotti (editors), European Handbook of Dermatological Treatments, page 419,
- However, the appearance of homozygous forms without consanguinity and coincidence of two types of porphyria in the same patient, dual porphyrias, is possible.