英語 編輯

詞源 編輯

shoe +‎ string

發音 編輯

  • 音頻(美國)(檔案)

名詞 編輯

shoestring (複數 shoestrings)

  1. (美國) 鞋帶
    近義詞: shoelace
    Your shoestring is untied.
  2. 非常少的預算資金
    He did all that on a shoestring budget.
  3. (烹飪基本上用作定語) 切成長條狀的物品
    近義詞: julienne
    shoestring French fries

動詞 編輯

shoestring (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 shoestrings,現在分詞 shoestringing,一般過去時及過去分詞 shoestringed)

  1. (棒球及物) 在(球)落地前接住
    • 1976, Paul R. Rothweiler, The Sensuous Southpaw (page 104)
      We didn't score in our half of the eighth, but it was only because Ernie's line drive was shoestringed by the Giant left fielder, with Rusty Howarth on second.
    • 1994, Sports Illustrated Baseball: Collector's Library (page 275)
      [] but Coach Joe Nossek of the Indians actually tells his charges to hold up the ball after shoestringing it on the off chance that the umpire might be fooled.

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