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來自拉丁語 anxietās,來自anxius (焦慮,掛念,痛苦,動亂),來自angō (悲痛,麻煩),與古希臘語 ἄγχω (ánkhō, 窒息)同族。等同於anxious +‎ -ety。參見angerangst

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名詞 编辑

anxiety (可數 不可數,複數 anxieties)

  1. 焦慮擔心
    • 1907, Harold Bindloss, 章號 4, 出自 The Dust of Conflict[1]:
      The inquest on keeper Davidson was duly held, and at the commencement seemed likely to cause Tony Palliser less anxiety than he had expected.
    • 2005, Plato, Sophist. Translation by Lesley Brown. 268a.
      But the other, because he's been immersed in arguments, gives the appearance of harbouring considerable anxiety and suspicion that he's ignorant of those matters he presents himself to others as an expert on.
  2. 對某事物的一種不安苦惱慾望
  3. (病理學) 焦躁不安狀態,有胸口不舒服的感覺

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