英语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自中古英語 fomenten,借自古法語 fomenter[1],源自晚期拉丁語 fomentare,源自拉丁語 fōmentum (润肤液),源自fovere (加热;珍爱)

发音 编辑

动词 编辑

foment (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 foments,現在分詞 fomenting,一般過去時及過去分詞 fomented)

  1. 挑起煽动鼓动
    He was arrested for fomenting a riot; after all, it's bad enough being in a riot but starting one is much worse.
    Foreign governments have tried to foment unrest.
  2. (醫學)
    近義詞: beath
    • 1904, Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Abbey Grange, Norton (2005), page 1178,
      The maid had entered with us, and began once more to foment the bruise upon her mistress's brow.

衍生词汇 编辑

名词 编辑

維基百科 en

foment (複數 foments)

  1. 煽动
    • 1892, Julian Ralph, On Canada's Frontier
      He came in no conciliatory mood, and the foment was kept up.

参考资料 编辑

  1. Douglas Harper (2001–2024), “foment”, 在线词源词典》(Online Etymology Dictionary