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99 (前 98, 後 100)

  1. 基數九十九

其他書寫系統 编辑

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  1. (網路用語) 表示對情侶夫妻愛情長久保持的祝福

英語 编辑

名詞 编辑

99 (複數 99s)

  1. (英國英語, 愛爾蘭) 插入 Cadbury 公司 Flake 牌巧克力棒的甜筒
    • 2008, Ian Pattinson, Global Weirding, →ISBN:
      "Two 99s please. And your story." The ice cream was in insulated compartments and he scooped it out []
    • 2011, On The Cobbles: Jimmy Stockin ISBN 1780573898:
      'Two 99s for you, young man. A Fab? Yes, here you are, madam. A Mivvi coming up.' As he handed over the ices, the kids ran or just sauntered off. I don't know if the ice-cream man thought some adult was going to appear and pay for the lot, []
    • 2012, T. M. Alexander, A Thousand Water Bombs, →ISBN:
      'Two 99s, please.' Copper Pie held them while I searched for the right money. [] Copper Pie was still on the ground, holding the ice creams []